Friday, April 13, 2007

He's not the real President, but he played one on TV

After watching the interview on Foxnews with former Senator and Actor Fred Thompson, I believe he is going to run for President. Fred Thompson had a good conservative track record as Senator from Tennessee, where ironically he won the seat vacated by Al Gore. I believe that he understands the values of rural Americans.

In his interview on Fox he had a presence about him that I don't recall seeing since Ronald Reagan was president. When he speaks you get a feeling of trust. This is probably why many people are pushing for him to run. Draft Fred Thompson is now a very popular site for those wishing for him to join in the fray.

A recent poll with knowledge of Fred Thompson's lymphoma in remission do you think he should run? 64% say he should run in the primary regardless, 22% say he is viable even with lymphoma, and only 8% thought the lymphoma should keep him from running. Fred is a cancer survivor and I think that will touch a cord with many Americans that live with or know someone that has cancer. 20 years ago, I believe that would have been the death of his candidacy, but not now.

What we are going to have to ask ourselves in the coming months is this; What Presidential candidate best represents the values of West Virginians? I believe the answer to this question could put Fred Thompson at the head of the pack, but only time will tell as we hear more from the candidates.

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