Thursday, April 12, 2012

Oprah Winfrey Versus Liberal Attacks on Ann Romney

According to Oprah Winfrey's blog "Life Lift" stay at home moms are worth quite a bit. She cited a study that measured the total hours per week worked by a mother at over 100. It estimated that a mother's economic worth was a little over $115,000 per year. Not bad. Obviously that figure rises with the number of children that a mother might have to take care of.

Don't tell Obama associate and liberal blogger Hillary Rosen that.

Just as Obama's campaign struggles to paint the Republican Party as anti-women. Just as Mitt Romney struggles to forge connections with average Americans. The liberals gave Romney a gift.

Rosen wrote a blog post that slammed Ann Romney, wife of presumptive GOP nominee Mitt and mother of five boys, as "having never worked a day in her life."

When confronted, Rosen backtracked (read it here ) but refused to apologize to Romney.

Ann Romney responded by saying on Fox News, "My career choice was to be a mother, and I think all of us need to know that we need to respect the choices women make." Then she added, "And by the way, let me give a shout-out to all the dads that are at home raising kids."

Just as George W. Bush softened his roughneck cowboy image with his gracious wife Laura, Mitt Romney's wife will also bring their own family story into the light.

Maybe Americans can't identify with a CEO turned governor. But they do understand that mothers still face challenges, no matter how rich or poor.

Hillary Rosen just introduced Ann Romney, mother of five, to the media and to the American public. And that will not harm the Romney campaign in any way.

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