Friday, May 6, 2011
The U. S. Postal Service

Thursday, May 5, 2011
Gaston Caperton Is Definitely, Absotively Not Interested In Politics

Gaston Caperton just bought a $900,000 mansion in Charleston.
Does that mean anything? Should it? Younger folks are asking "who is Gaston Caperton?"
Caperton was governor from 1989-1997. He started off a little rocky, but became enormously popular and respected by the end of his tenure in office. Since then he has worked for the College Board, most recently as president. He plans to retire this year and return to Charleston to be close to his friends.
He's 71. In many places that is over the hill, but in West Virginia politics, he's still viable even if not a young whippersnapper. Should a Republican win the special election this fall, Democrats will start feeling Caperton out to see if he wants to pursue a third term a la Arch Moore. More likely, he could be putting himself into position to succeed Jay Rockefeller.
In any event, this is an interesting development.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
No Pictures After All

After we heard that pictures of Bin Laden's corpse would be made available, Obama today revealed in a taping of 60 Minutes that he has no plans of doing so.
It's hard to fathom why he would not. It makes sense on a variety of levels and is almost a no risk move for him.
Many argue that he received much more respect than an enemy would treat an American. Daniel Pearl was beheaded. Somalians dragged U. S. servicemen's bodies through the streets of Mogadishu. Not that we should hang him by the ankles as the Italians did Mussolini, but I fail to see what is served by not releasing the photos.
The aftermath of what should have been a clear public and political triumph for Obama's presidency has become predictably muddled by mixed messages and a lack of professional handling. I said it before and I will say it again. Obama misses Rahm Emmanuel and his ability to guide the White House more than anyone will admit.
In any event, my prediction is that the photos will be released or leaked within a week pending an outcry from New York and New Jersey.
Let's once again remember the real heroes here, both the brave servicemen who risked their lives on this mission, their support crews, and the intelligence operatives. Well done!
Governor's Race Heating Up

The Potomac Highlands Conservative, reluctantly, cannot endorse a Republican nominee for governor. We are members of a county executive committee and ethically, if not legally, cannot endorse anyone in a primary.
We have a very solid field of candidates this time in terms of experience, personality, and electability. If nothing else, the West Virginia Republican Party is continuing to grow into a more viable political force within the state.
When looking at who to choose in this cycle, look at issues and electability. This state needs a governor who can take the ship of state and wrench it into a completely different direction. The candidate needs to have the right principles, but also more than a snowball's chance in hell of beating the Democrat. The perfect candidate is the right mix of principles, experience, and electability. I do believe that there are a few candidates among the field that fit this bill.
Other random thoughts...
Thank you Congressman David McKinley. Even though both senators' offices were also called, David McKinley was the only congressional representative to greet the Keyser High School "We the People" team when they went to Capitol Hill this week. It was the day after the killing of Bin Laden, so it was likely a busy day, but the congressman made it down to see them.
West Virginia Red has obviously morphed into a Bill Maloney campaign mouthpiece. While there is nothing wrong with that per se, they would be more effective if they were more subtle. Right now, they are preaching to the choir and that won't accomplish their goal of spreading the campaign message. Also mix it up with some news and commentary.
How is it that Earl Ray Tomblin gets away with using "More Jobs and Less Taxes" as his motto? As Senate President, he was in a much better position to create those conditions.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Beautiful Day, Brought to You Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue