Friday, April 24, 2009
The Return of the 19th Century Media
Through the 20th Century that open bias went underground and was thinly veiled claim of journalistic impartiality. Although if you looked close enough you could often find the bias poking its head through. The problem was the vast majority of the press shifted to the left.
Now at the beginning of the 21st Century it has come full circle and the 19th Century media has returned with a vengeance. MSNBC could very easily change its name to DNBC (Democrat National Broadcasting Corp), or CNN changes it to DNN (Democratic News Network) because that reflects the view point they provide. They complain constantly that Fox News is Republican Network. Well, they would be right. They are providing a different point of view and reaping the financial rewards.
Our nations political views are primarily center right. With the majority of the media hard left, they do not reflect the view point most Americans want to hear. If some one wants to challenge Fox News media dominance, then the way to do that is create a second right leaning network.
In the 21st Century if you're Right, the you watch Fox News, read the internet and listen to talk radio. If you're left then you watch Broadcast news, CNN or MSNBC and read major city newspapers. Now if we could only return a 19th Century sized Federal Government.
School Calendar Debate
Thursday, April 23, 2009
So the Terrorists Won After All
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Either Naivete, Stupidity, Or A Serious Lack of Concern

Economic Recovery Funds in the Potomac Highlands
Emergency Food and Shelter Program
Agency: Other Category: Public Safety Amount: $3,179.00
IDEA Part B Preschool Allocation
Description: Special Education Agency: Department of Education
Category: Education Amount: $25,392.00
Title I Grants
Agency: Department of Education
Category: Education Amount: $306,498.00
IDEA Part B School Age Allocation
Agency: Department of Education
Category: Education Amount: $532,005.00
Emergency Food and Shelter Program
Agency: Other
Category: Public Safety Amount: $3,680.00
IDEA Part B Preschool Allocation
Description: Special Education Agency: Department of Education
Category: Education Amount: $30,096.00
Title I Grants
Agency: Department of Education
Category: Education Amount: $258,284.00
IDEA Part B School Age Allocation
Agency: Department of Education
Category: Education Amount: $630,587.00
Description: RESURFACING Agency: Department of Transportation
Category: Transportation Amount: $4,000,000.00
Emergency Food and Shelter Program
Agency: Other
Category: Public Safety Amount: $4,785.00
IDEA Part B Preschool Allocation
Description: Special Education Agency: Department of Education
Category: Education Amount: $48,628.00
IDEA Part B Preschool Allocation
Description: Special Education Agency: Department of Education
Category: Education Amount: $2,250.00
Title I Grants
Agency: Department of Education
Category: Education Amount: $639,553.00
IDEA Part B School Age Allocation
Agency: Department of Education
Category: Education Amount: $1,018,796.00
IDEA Part B School Age Allocation
Agency: Department of Education
Category: Education Amount: $47,118.00
Mineral County
Mineral St
Description: RESURFACING Agency: Department of Transportation
Category: Transportation Amount: $1,131,000.00
Emergency Food and Shelter Program
Agency: Other
Category: Public Safety Amount: $6,953.00
IDEA Part B Preschool Allocation
Description: Special Education Agency: Department of Education
Category: Education Amount: $57,561.00
Title I Grants
Agency: Department of Education
Category: Education Amount: $729,237.00
IDEA Part B School Age Allocation
Agency:Department of Education
Category: Education Amount: $1,206,063.00
Judy Gap Bridge
Description: BRIDGE LMC Agency: Department of Transportation
Category: Transportation Amount: $462,000.00
4-U Bridge
Description: BRIDGE C&P Agency: Department of Transportation
Category: Transportation Amount: $232,000.00
Deer Run Park
Description: BRIDGE REPLACE Agency: Department of Transportation
Category: Transportation Amount: $575,000.00
Rough Run
Description: BRIDGE REPLACE Agency: Department of Transportation
Category: Transportation Amount: $875,000.00
Smith Creek to Franklin Rd
Description: SLIDES Agency: Department of Transportation
Category: Transportation Amount: $1,000,000.00
IDEA Part B Preschool Allocation
Description: Special Education Agency: Department of Education
Category: Education Amount: $14,206.00
Title I Grants
Agency: Department of Education
Category: Education Amount: $119,618.00
IDEA Part B School Age Allocation
Agency: Department of Education
Category: Education Amount: $297,636.00
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
State Sponsored Sexual Assault Up For Debate in the Supreme Court
Miss California
It turns out that she was set up by a gay activist, Perez Hilton, that asked the question. A handful a cheers could be heard from the crowd when the question was ask, but the real strong response came when she said, she believed marriage is between a man and a woman. Now we are a free people and we are free to believe as we wish. Votes have been taken in several states and the people are speaking.
This question never should have been asked in the venue and her answer should not have had an effect on the outcome of the pageant. Our First Amendment rights are designed to allow us to voice our opinion without retribution, but in our society of political correctness this is almost a thing of the past. We should not be afraid to voice our opinion. Mr. Hilton is wrong in his actions and should not be allowed to judge another Miss USA pageant.
WVGOP Think Tank coming to the Potomac Highlands
It will be held:
April 22nd, 2009 @ 7:00 PM
Grand Central Business Center
3 Floor Meeting Room
1 E Piedmont St
Keyser, WV 26726
Light refreshments will be served. Please RSVP by calling (304) 788-6554 or (304) 788-2513
Please invite your County Executive Committee's and any active interested Republicans you think might wish to attend.
The WVGOP Think Tank is the official think tank of the West Virginia Republican Party, and is visiting the Potomac Highlands to get your input. The WVGOP Think Tank is dedicated to gathering and sharing the ideas and visions of Republicans across the state as we work to develop a plan for victory in 2010 and beyond.
It is dedicated to including the thoughts and ideas of all Republicans who wish to attend the meeting. Our energies will be devoted to working with all Republicans, and increasing Republican influence in government.
Republicans can, and will, legitimately disagree. The goal of finding common ground in battling our opposition and winning the hearts and minds of West Virginians.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Another Unintended Testament to President Bush
Keyser Flag Day Tea Party Scheduled

Date: Sunday, June 14, 2009
Time: 2:00 to 3:00 PM
Location: Grand Centeral Business Center, 1 East Piedmont St.
City: Keyser, WV 26726
Planned Events: Planting of a Liberty Tree
The first Liberty Tree was near Boston Common and was a meeting place for the first patriots. As time went on many towns and cities had their own Liberty Trees for meeting places prior to the Revolution. The new Liberty Tree will be our meeting place and symbol that we wish to return to following the Founding Fathers vision of Liberty.
Featured Speakers:
Dr. Matt E. Ryan, Ph. D.
Charles G. Koch Doctoral Fellow
College of Business & Economics
West Virginia University
Associate editor on "Unleashing Capitalism"
Greg Brown, US Army, Veteran OEF - 2002, OIF - 2003-2004